8 Ways to use VR & AR at Virtual & In-Person Events

In our modern digital age, there are new exciting ways to interact with our audiences at Trade Shows, Conferences & Events using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Both can be strategically used to enhance the experience of event attendees visually while providing direct engagement for the host or Sponsor.

Utilize a Mix of VR/AR Reality At Your Virtual & Traditional Events

We’d like to first provide a description of each event technology to be clear on what each can be used for and their capabilities:

Virtual Reality:  VR headsets are fully enclosed, with screens inside that fill a person’s view when fitted, as in the Oculus Quest.  They usually have a 360 degree Field of Vision and create alternate environments or realities which are totally immersive for the user.

Augmented Reality:  AR headsets are see-through, as in the Microsoft Hololens.  They use a mixture of technologies to project images and graphics within the person’s Field of Vision view, to enhance the live images without disrupting the person’s movements. A great opportunity for training, education and demonstrations.

Below are Eight ways you can apply Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality and put to work at Conferences to create some Buzz and Brand Engagement:

1. Drive Traffic to your Booth or Location:

Interactive Virtual or Augmented Reality games & experiences can help drive traffic to your booth while creating buzz, excitement and engagement. Patron spirits brand added a WOW factor to their booth at recent trade show and conference events, went above and beyond including some well made content for their immersive experience. The 3 minute VR content shows an animated story of the how the product gets made. From the agave fields to the glass, Patron does an excellent job of creating a charming emotional connection with its audience and telling an entertaining story. Adding storytelling elements to your VR content make it more fun and memorable.

2. Online / Onsite Demonstrations:

VR works for all types of products, and can deliver curiosity and engagement. Digitally immerse your audience in your product and brand with a VR experience that will increase conversion and sales. Allowing a prospect to handle your product using VR or AR virtually, is as good as placing the real thing in their hands. Research suggests that value perception in prospects increases by up to 33% when adding AR to marketing campaigns, and VR tools can increase buyer’s certainty by up to 135%. Increase your prospect engagement, boost your sales, and market your product effectively with the virtual reality revolution.

3. Product Visualization:

Test out a product to see if it may work in your home or office. Augmented Reality can offer a virtual display of how a product looks like and how it functions in your environment. It helps the consumer imagine what it might be like to own the item. Check out the Ikea AR App that enables the user to take a photo of your living room and show how a particular couch or color of rug may work with their home design.

4. eTraining:

Businesses are investing in Virtual Training! Headset sales for training are expected to reach $2.2 billion by 2022, according to Greenlight Insights and a big demand for VR training across many business categories. Now, VR is widely used to train employees at major companies like Walmart and Chevron. At Tyson Foods, VR safety training reduced injuries and illnesses by 20 percent. It’s also saving these companies millions of dollars, and bringing profits back to creators of VR headsets and software. Training can be on display at your Special event to show first hand to your attendees.

5. Education:

Education can available via both VR & AR platforms in order to visually teach using interactive content. Universities and Medical Schools are using to visually teach various subject matters including STEM, Medical & Art. The Health & Medical professions use VR to create real life simulations to help their employees and patients with onboarding of patient care and medical procedures. This technology can be used effectively at Medical Conferences to educate their attendees on their products or services.

6. Entertainment:

A great way to entertain your guests and host team building through games & experiences. Some really interactive and fun VR apps that work great at Trade Shows and Conferences are Beat Saber, Fruit Ninja, Google Earth, Google Tilt Brush and Walk the Plank & Climbing Mt. Everest.

virtual reality conference ideas

7. Simulators using VR:

A great way to get your Conference attendees engaged and generate sign ups/registrations and lead generation at your booth. Simulator activations combine both the Virtual digital world with the physical world, producing a realistically immersive experience. Try adding a Surfing Simulator or Flight Simulator to your Conference to add a WOW factor to your exhibition!

virtual reality simulator rental new york

8. Gamification:

Make a game out of your Booth Experience! Create a Leader board of points to see who can compete for the highest score, or earn points to receive a free product sample or consulting services for participating in the game. Purchasing the equipment out right or utilizing Virtual Reality rentals and Augmented Reality Rentals are options available to provide equipment at your Conference or Special Event.

Interested in taking your Events to the Next Level? For more information on how you can enhance your Special Event with the power of VR & AR, please contact us for more information on our Nation-wide interactive event services.