3D Virtual Events,Conferences, Trade Shows, Fairs & Expos

3D Virtual event

Virtual Events have been the industry standard in 2020 as many companies are pivoting from in-person events to digital productions. Virtual productions offer an excellent communication platform to serve their communities & clients in order to create memorable experiences and bring together communities to learn, network, and build relationships. There are various ways to produce virtual events and 3D Virtual events are a proven way to deliver high impact & attendee engagement.

Why consider 3D Virtual events? It’s all about creating those deep, memorable and interactive experiences the right way when producing live digital events. Recent research has shown that users in virtual and 3D environments have improved learning outcomes and increased memory retention due to spatial presence. Creating an avatar and engaging in a 3D world ignites areas of the brain typically reserved for physical encounters. It also allows for more self-expression through the ability to customize and animate avatars and peer-to-peer interaction. We can re-create a real world, in person experience with incredibly high engagement!

What are the Benefits of Immersive Virtual Events?

Virtual Events allow for a broader reach, both internally and externally. By just eliminating travel expenses and in person marketing material such as samples, your event can already be reduced to a fraction of the cost.  LIVE stream your videos or schedule pre-recorded ones, enable private chat rooms or have public virtual networking; control your events the way you want, with a click of a button, literally.

Are you planning a small event with 50 attendees or a large one with 5,000? Online conferences, virtual town halls, virtual job fairs, online expos or an online training program, the possibilities are endless. Invite speakers, exhibitors and sponsors, dress-up your event with various branding touch points and host multi-track sessions for your next Partner Meet, AGM, or Leadership Summit. Reach out to us to explore all the possibilities in planning, producing and executing a dynamic Virtual event.

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Exhibitor Booths & Resource Centers

Bring sponsors on board just like for any physical event and give them branded virtual booths to showcase their products and interact with ‘walking-in’ customers with a dedicated private chat room. Upload resources you want your attendees to download such as whitepapers, presentations or tutorials. Add web links you want them to visit or other information downloads.

Elements that can be included in a 3D Virtual Event

Take your next Virtual event to the next level of excitement and engagement. We can create different levels of experiences for your events, anything from Avatar-based Virtual events to branded Live Streaming digital events. If you’re interested in custom virtual events with live streaming production and adding an added dimension, please see below the components that can be included in your 3D virtual production:

Platform Design & Branding

3D layouts for all rooms including Lobby, Auditorium, Tracks, and Exhibitor Booths. Pick from available templates or get a customized design. Add branding touch points.

Platform Configuration & Technical Support

Pick and drop required features at a room level. Complete technical support for configuring and scheduling videos on streaming servers.

Analytics & Reporting

Detailed analytics at an aggregate and attendee level such as rooms visited, average video watch time, resources downloaded, chat logs and event feedback.

Speed and Security

With cloud hosted platform architecture, CDN server configuration and GDPR compliant attendee registration process, access speed, data security and user privacy are inherent to the platform.

Audience Generation

Tell us the demographics, profile, industries and geographies to be targeted and we will see to it that the rooms are full.

Event Marketing

E-mail Invites, SMS Reminders, Social Media promotions or digital amplifications; marketing your virtual event is on us.

For more information, please contact us to learn about all the possibilities of planning & producing a dynamic 3D Virtual event production for your special event.